Saturday, January 25, 2020
Diversification of the American Workforce: Impact on Interaction betwee
Diversification of the American Workforce: Impact on Interaction between Managers and Employees Abstract The diversification of the American Workforce has changed the way managers interact with employees. This diversification is due to tighter labor markets, increased immigration, and women entering the workforce. Cultural factors, not present before, have caused managers to develop new methods of tasking, motivating, and educating these diverse employees. Essentially these new methods have been a change in interpersonal behavior, the way a manager acts and re-acts to employees. This change in behavior was necessary to increase productivity and maintain a competitive edge in the market place. I. Introduction In my Cultural Anthropology course, I had to learn and memorize the definition of culture; â€Å"Culture is an organized system of learned behavior patterns, always made manifest in a group, making that group distinctive from other groups†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This definition was the basis for my understanding and ability to learn about other people, different than myself and from different backgrounds, during my studies in Anthropology and Psychology. This definition has the key element of what culture is, a system of behavior distinctive to a particular group of people. These behaviors range from cultural norms to religious beliefs. In business, the effectiveness of an organization rests on the ability of the management to interact with its employees and to motivate the workforce to accomplish the goals of the company. This ability of interaction between the manager and the employees depends on the managers understanding of the cultural differences between himself and his employees. The masculine form is only being used as example for the purpose of this paper. It is understood that the managers will most likely be male or female. An organization is affected by cultural factors on many levels. The top management forms the basic foundation of an organization when they set the primary goals for that organization, the reason the organization is in business. An example would be that a car company in the United States of America would have the ultimate goal of making large amounts of profit for it’s stakeholders. This goal is derived in the root cultural tenant of capitalism. The United States was founded with capitalist ideas and so American managers will have capitalist ide... ...behavior towards diverse employees and learn to understand the cultural differences between them will undoubtedly increase productivity and gain a competitive edge in the market place.      VI. References Bernstein, A. and Rozen, S. (1992). Neanderthals at work. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Bowman-Kruhm, M. and Wirths, C. (1998). Discrimination and prejudice. New York: Rosen Publishing. Burns, J. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper and Row. Chaleff, I. (1995). The courageous follower. San Francisco: Berlett-Koehler Publishers. Creating a diverse workforce. (n.d.) Retrieved March 1, 2003, from http://www.businessweek. com/adsections/diversity/diversework.htm Daft, R. (1988). Management. New York: The Dryden Press. Devoe, D. (1999). Managing a diverse workforce. Retrieved March 1, 2003, from Kotkin, J. (1993). Tribes: how race, religion, and identity determine success in the new global economy. New York: Random House. Kowalenko, K. (2000). Increasing diversity in America’s science, engineering, and technology fields. Retrieved March 1, 2003, from
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Accounting Equation
Accounting is founded on the basic equation that states a company’s Assets equal their total Liabilities plus their total Owner’s Equity . This equation is summarized as ALOE . This isthe basis of the Balance Sheet. Assets are the company’s furniture, fixtures and equipment, physical property, intellectual property and other resources. These properties include the physical land as well as the equipmentand building improvements on the property.A company’s liabilities are all of the obligations that the company has incurred. Thecompany has to service these liabilities by making payments on them. These payments may takethe form of cash income or may be sourced from loaned monies. If they borrow money, this is anadditional liability. Liability is â€Å"money owed; debts or pecuniary obligations†(Dictionary. com,2009). Liabilities offset assets in the equation that is the Balance Sheet.Owner’s Equity, also known as owner’s/shareholder†™s equity, is the final variable in theequation. When liabilities are subtracted from assets, the remaining balance is the owner’s equity. The term owner’s equity is used for privately owned companies. If the business is an incorporatedentity which issued common stock in exchange for a percentage of company ownership, then theowner’s equity is termed owner’s/shareholder’s equity.Cash, stocks and retained earnings are allowner’s/shareholder’s equity. E1-1 Urlacher Company provides the following accounting service tasks each year. Communication – Analysis and interpretation of financial data. Communication – Interpretation of meaning, uses and limits of financial data. Communication – Compiling a summary of financial events. Communication – Accounting report preparation. Recording – Maintaining a linear, chronological record of financial data.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Destroying Avalon Mean Girls Essay - 710 Words
Destroying Avalon and Mean Girls Comparative Essay What is worse, cyber bullying or face-to-face bullying? Argue in relation to both Destroying Avalon and Mean Girls, referring to specific events throughout both texts. Cyber bullying and face-to-face bullying are to major concerns in today’s society, the movie Mean Girls and the novel Destroying Avalon have themes about bullying in them. The texts show us how more people can be affected by certain types of bullying as well as how it can change behaviour and how bullying can build up to physical violence. More people are affected with face-to face bullying. This is shown in Mean Girls in a scene after the Burn Book has been seen by the school. All the female students are required†¦show more content†¦Avalon had the same problem with her parents, â€Å"’(†¦) She’s not been herself,’ Dad said and sipped his coffee. ‘I think something’s going on. She’s so short tempered, she’s avoiding all of us, she’s spending hours on the computer, and she’s constantly checking her mobile phone It’s not normal.’†(p. 102). In both cases, a bully and a victim, the bullying changed their behaviour and consequently their home lives, worrying their parents. Ultimately in this novel and film, face-to-face bullying was worse, because it also included physical violence. Since Cady was from Africa she was comparing everything to African wildlife, â€Å"It was full-tilt jungle madness. And it wasn’t going away.†(Mean Girls, 2004) It was madness as described, and a lot of people were getting hurt because the person who they thought was behind the rumour was standing right in front of them, face-to-face and they wanted to hurt that person as much as they themselves were hurt Destroying Avalon did not have a focus on physical bullying but when it did it had a huge impact, â€Å"I don’t know who punched me first. But it was a king hit. (†¦) They used me like a punching bag.†(pp. 228-229). This was not even the first time Marshall had been physically abused†(...) before he punched me. My head hit the tiled wall Brett Tyson kicked me in the guts. I puked and was almost unconscious with pain (...)†( p. 219). After the first incident mentioned,Show MoreRelatedBelonging Essay4112 Words  | 17 PagesHSC Subject Guide Belonging 2009 HSC: Area of Study – English - related material English HSC 2009 - 2012 is Belonging. What does belonging mean? From the Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus: belong, verb, 1) to be rightly put into a particular position or class; 2) fit or be acceptable in a particular place or environment; 3) belong to be a member of; 4) belong to be the property or possession of. Belonging, noun, affiliation, acceptance, association, attachment, integration, closeness, rapport,
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